We have raised $2,231,727 to date toward our $3 million campaign goal
"We will engage in new and compelling ways
to live into our age-old covenant to restore all people
to unity with God and each other in Christ."
The Rt. Rev. Scott Anson Benhase, 10th Bishop of Georgia
LEAD - The goal of clergy and lay leadership development is supported by strategies to enhance the train congregational leadership in organizational development, train and deploy coaches, and indentify teaching parishes.
Train Congregational Leadership
Campaign gifts will continue to give clergy and lay leaders throughout the Diocese the opportunity to attend a two-year program led by CDI (Church Development Institute). CDI combines the strengths of sound congregational development practices and leaders’ awareness of their personal impact on others to foster strong, healthy congregations. Read More
Peer Coaching
At least one clergy person in each Convocation is trained and certified by the Christian Coaching Federation of Certified Coaches to serve as peer coaches for clergy and lay leaders who request it. They assist peers with identifying personal goals, setting objectives to reach them, and staying mission-focused through regular support sessions and accountability. The Bishop also assigns coaches to newly ordained and newly arrived clergy in the Diocese, as part of their welcome and introduction to the Diocese of Georgia. Read More
Teaching Parishes
In response to strong support in surveys last year, future campaign funds could support three-year residency opportunities for newly ordained priests in four “teaching parishes” across the Diocese. They would be mentored to develop mature, creative, and vital clerical leadership to help shape the future clergy leaders of our Diocese. Read More-
Thomas BarronCoordinator of Community Youth Connections in Darien
We're tutoring 30 kinds a year and then another 30 a year through after school and youth group programs. There aren't many programs like this in the county and certainly none that are free.
Alston WattChair of the Board of Oak Street Mission in Thomasville
This neighborhood needs a lot of love and care. We always understood that in our heads but now we understand it in our hearts. All three churches are really committed to this work and mission.
Deacon Jonathan TuttleRector, St. John's and St. Mark's, Albany
There's a tendency for parishes to be very clergy dependent. I think that's something that the Church Development Institute challenges and moves beyond.
The Rev. Billy AlfordRector, St. Alban's, Augusta
We are an expansive Diocese, and as a priest, it can often times be isolating. The peer coaching relationships enable us to come together and seek insights and lesson learned from each other. This program benefits not only the priest, but their congregations as well. What does it mean for a community to have a confident and self-assured priest? I would argue a lot.
GROW - The goal of congregational development is supported by strategies to promote a signature outreach for every congregation, take advantage of special opportunities for growth, and plant new churches.

Signature Ministries
Each congregation is encouraged to develop at least one signature outreach ministry in its community and to use that outreach to help grow the congregation, with the help of models and training programs funded by the campaign. Read More
Opportunities for Growth
The Standing Committee will identify five congregations with exceptional potential for growth and provide the additional resources needed to ensure they realize their potential. For example, requested funds could enable a move from mission to parish status, or help a parish with a part-time priest to employ full-time priest, or funds might allow a growing parish to add a youth minister. Read More
Plant New Churches
The Mission/Congregational Development teams will identify three communities in the Diocese of Georgia that are favorable for planting new churches. These newly founded churches will receive full funding from the Campaign, including an ordained church-planter and a youth minister. Read MoreMake a Difference
With your gifts to the Campaign.
SHARE - The goal of sharing the faith with future generations through forming youth and young adults leadership is supported by strategies to set up intentional communities, deploy youth missionaries, endow a Canon for Youth and Young Adults.

Columba Houses
Intentional communities, like the Columba Houses in Savannah and Augusta, are initially supported by Campaign donations. Resident young adults explore their spiritual lives within the context of community living. The residents spend a portion of each week in personal spiritual development, and a portion of each week in places where young adults gather, practicing “relational evangelism”—building authentic relationships with other young adults, and inviting them into the Episcopal Church. Read More
Leadership Development
The campaign supports this important priority on several fronts. The mission of the Columba Houses is focused on creating young adult leaders—both of the residents themselves, and as residents reach out to youth in the places they hang out in those communities. Other campaign funds will be used to better resource and support Campus Ministries—a crucial point of contact for developing future church and community leaders, and a deep need for young adult students. Read More
Endow Canon for Youth and Young Adults
Skilled, consistent, dedicated leadership is essential for successful outreach to youth and young adults. The Diocese has an existing part-time position of Missioner for Youth and a Mission for Young Adults. Using campaign funds to help endow a permanent full-time position of Canon for Youth and Young Adults will ensure our capacity to attract and retain trained professionals to guide successful Diocesan programs for youth and young adults. Read MoreHoney Creek In addition to the three identified priority areas for the Campaign for Congregational Development, an ongoing concern for the Diocese is the growth, sustainability, and mission of Honey Creek. The goals of the parallel Honey Creek campaign are raising funds to retire the existing debt, upgrade facilities, and create and endowment for future capital maintenance and repairs.
What is Honey Creek? from Honey Creek on Vimeo.